Author, Meditation Teacher

Olga Munari was born and raised in Outremont, Quebec, Canada, and is a firm believer that with every challenge, there’s a hidden opportunity. Spurred on by her challenges, she used them as an opportunity to further her education. She is a personal trainer, a wellness specialist and a Primordial Sound Meditation teacher under the Chopra Center Certifications program. Driven by her desire to help others, she relates her experiences as inspiration to encourage people.

The Joy of Life: Now What? (July 2020)

Ever wish something bad would happen to you? And then it does? That’s what happened to Olga Munari. Her wish for something “bad” was granted, Olga got breast cancer. Faced with a situation that could end her life, she chose to fight and live. Olga’s second book, The Joy of Life – Now What, takes over where her first book left us – gloriously blessed after winning a battle with cancer, returning to a life of family, security and normality. But did Olga Munari want her life to return to normal? Now What? Munari reveals how once she was cured of her illness, she could no longer shy away from her desire to find happiness. This quest would lead her to examine her suppressed past and make life-altering decisions if she genuinely wanted to heal her heart and spirit,and find the joy she so desired. Munari bares her soul and lays out the steps that helped her become whole. Her greatest hope is by being candid about her journey; she will help others heal from their emotional wounds. Hopefully, one day we can all discover our greatest gift – ourselves

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